[Solved] User specific app (Database help )

I must say that I do not know enough details about your project. If I know I might be able to give you better advices on design.

What do you want to know sir :smiley:

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Seems like each tournament needs its own “data sheet” right?

I just created a tutorial post.
Please check.

This might not be the solution to your issue here but it is something good to know.

yes , trying to solve that

it might help, but i have lots of data

In my mind the easiest or maybe not easiest but most effective thing to do would be to create the table in Firebase. This would allow you to have an unlimited number of virtual tables so to speak.

On the technical side, a table is just a collection of objects. It’s a list of objects that is nicely formatted to look like a table. So, one way to store the data would be to save lists of objects in a bucket that is specific to that tournament

Like this.

  • Main DB
    – Tournament1

    • Table data (as a list of objects)
      * Entry 1 - a single object constructed with 1 field for each column of your table consisting of 1 rows worth of data
      * Entry 2 - a single object constructed with 1 field for each column of your table consisting of 1 rows worth of data
      * Entry 3 - Entry X (add all required rows as indicated above)

    – Tournament2

    • table data (as a list of objects)
      • Entry 1 - a single object constructed with 1 field for each column of your table consisting of 1 rows worth of data
      • Entry 2 - a single object constructed with 1 field for each column of your table consisting of 1 rows worth of data
      • Entry 3 - Entry X (add all required rows as indicated above)

You could expand infinitely and recall only the relevant tournament data this way. It would return in a Json format and easily be worked with to create other visual structures.


As far as my understanding of the work of @unsalberkay1905cfbe , he is relying on Google sheet to do a lot of data manipulation and calculation. To change to Firebase he would gain the speed but he has to manage the calculations inside the app.

This is a choice he would need to make.

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So many ways to accomplish the same task! :joy: :sob:

It can be hard to figure out what’s best sometimes. My go-to is always a lowCode approach but I also try to empathize that my lowCode solutions aren’t workable for all Thunkers.

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Actually i m looking for easiest way , i really dont want to make 21 screens for all those race inputs .
Actually local DB really works for me , but its really painful for me. isnt there a way to import my sheet to localDB, I know i ve been


i wish i have enough knowledge to make one of these things. :smiley:

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@muneer my sheet uses vlookup at sel tab , but your vlookup does it inside the app right?

if that so your design is brilliant

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No. I’m using Google sheet to do it.

Oh this might work out for me .
And you get text input , is it doable with grid?
And actually all i need to do is changing my google sheet system right? @muneer

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Yes, it is.

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but @muneer arent we do the same thing ,
your app writes google sheet with text input , mine does it with data viewer grid , in my app when user presses item in grid viewer it writes down to google sheet. And i list those with index.

At sel tab
when you click an item on DVG, you change A2 , and i get the number of that race. Then i list those specific inputs at res tab… basically my row 2 is your WhattoSearch column

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instead of all these stuff , what if i create 21 screens per race with DVL , and i just list them ?

will that slow the app? @muneer

you’re wondering about 21 screens - i have simulated it with 4 screens so you get an idea.
i do not guarantee that it will resolve your issue with multiple users but this time, there are no more
“live” computes based on user entry. all screens are computed one time, at the time you apply changes to the qual and pen tabs.

i still have the original model i sent you earlier so i modified it with these changes:

  1. got rid of the race tab and put it in a local table called race_table (containing race_name, race_num & photo)

  2. i removed the sel tab. when you select a race from the grid view, it stores the name and number in variables. and you get transferred to the screen named “Res#” where # is the race number

  3. since my example had 4 races, i made 4 screens Res1…Res4

  4. check the attached google sheet and look at Res1, the number of the race is stored in the header line but it will be used in the formulas in all the rows. this way, Res2…Res4 are copies of Res1. no need to change formulas. just make sure the correct race number is coded in the heading line (see cell G1 and the formula in C2).

i hope it works for you.

here is the google sheet i’m using:

make a copy of it and install as races1 in your google drive BEFORE you open the thunkable link.

here’s the project link: do not open until you have a copy of races1 in your google drive.


looks good , this will help thanks @muneer and @manyone , i will keep you posted

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normally i change 0’s to dnf with this formula =IF(index(qual!C1:L21,row(A2),(sel!$B$2))=0,“DNF”,index(qual!C1:L21,row(A2),(sel!$B$2))) , but since there is no sel tab how can i convert , @manyone

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