[Solved] Strikethrough text

We can do a strikethrough text on a LABEL in thunkable X?

I need do somenting like this:

$̶1̶2̶9̶ $99

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Hi @brunoborgez, it is possible, but you won’t be able to change it with your code.

Go to your Label >> Advanced >> Text Style >> Text Decoration Line >> line-through. You can also set the style and color with the two options underneath.

Because it is in the advanced category, you won’t be able to remove the strikethrough using your code (like there is no in Label set strikethrough to false or something).


Hey @brunoborgez,

As @mythi points out there’s no way to change this property directly in the blocks, so we have a work-around here that swaps between two different labels to achieve the same effect in block:

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Thanks, @domhnallohanlon and @mythi!



Hi @brunoborgez,

I just opened a feature request on github (https://github.com/thunkable/thunkable-issues/issues/564), where I suggest to add the ability for the “Markdown” syntax in labels.
That way it would be very easy to format your text with striketrough, or even change it dynamically:

  • Text surrounded by a ~~ pair will be formatted as strikethrough. Example: This text will be strikethrough

Right now this syntax is supported in Airtable, and I think it would be helpful if labels and other text fields in Thunkable would support it too.

Explanation of Markdown:

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Example of a simple text strikethrough.
