I received a publication rejection from Apple based on 5.1.1, which denotes a lack of specific language regarding location access.
*Issue Description
One or more purpose strings in the app do not sufficiently explain the use of protected resources. Purpose strings must clearly and completely describe the app’s use of data and, in most cases, provide an example of how the data will be used.*
Hi @christian.noblem, thanks for reaching out. We discussed this issue in a separate support channel but I also wanted to offer the answer here.
The issue here is not with the location tracking dialog, your app also contains a web viewer component and when those are used, you must disclose to the end user of your app, that by visiting the site in the web viewer, that site may track users in some way. The recommended string to include for this is: This app accesses [X] website. Your data may be shared with this website to facilitate functionality.
What you’ve entered in the User Tracking Usage Description pertains to the location sensor and so Apple is saying that the tracking description is not clear about tracking vis a vis the web sites shown in the web viewer.
When a location sensor is present in your app, it will automatically add in a dialog for determining location (precise or approximate). We have tested the phrasing used “Your projects may access your location” for this and it is acceptable for the Apple review process.
For the tracking, you would want to enter something that accounts for the web viewer and location sensor (get current location block): “This app accesses [name of site] website. Your data may be shared with this website to facilitate functionality. When you share your location, this app uses your location to show you the closest available court resources.”
I included the following language in the Tracking Usage Description, “This app accesses court-adjacent websites. Your data may be shared with these websites to facilitate functionality. When you share your location, this app uses your location to show you the closest available court resources.”
There is an iOS Permissions field that is supposed to appear when you add a Current Location data block.
The solution was to remove and re-add the data block. This forced the field to show up in Settings. I’ve done this, added the prior language, and this is no longer an issue.