I have some columns in my Airtable database. First of them is called “spr1”, the second is called “spr2”, the Nth is called “sprN”.
I need to access them easily, using one for/while structure. How do I do that? How do I convert a digit to text in Thunkable?
Do you mean that you need to convert text to a number? I assume in Airtable you have text (e.g. “3”) and want to use it in a block that requires a number as input.
If not, can you explain how you intend to use the text version of the number?
As you can see, the first column is named “spr1”, the second is called “spr2” and so on.
If I try to access the cell from the 2nd row, 4th column like this it does not work, as A is not a character.
So I need to convert variable A, which is a number, to text.