[Solved] Internet connection popup

Hello Brothers!! I want to check if internet connection is available or not in users device. if available it will goes next task or not it will give him message “No internet connection”

Could anybody give me an example of such type block? i have seen videos from internet but all are made using app.thunkable but i am not getting the way in x,thunkable …

please help me. I am waiting for your response.



use block %D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B6%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5


Hello thanks. Could you please give a little help.
My block is here

I will be grateful for your kind help.

Hi @farhadkubd1

You need to implement something like this OnScreenStarts or OnScreenOpens:

You can also use the “set title | message | confirmbutton | …” blocks before the show block to change the alert message.


Thanks bro. I have done it successfully…:ok_hand:

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This happens very often. Unfortunately, not all providers provide good Internet. It’s not your devices ’ fault. Have you tried contacting customer support? I had this situation. I used to use the Internet which was constantly disappearing. I decided to change my provider! But there aren’t many Internet providers in my city and I didn’t know which one to choose. My brother recommended me to a provider. He told me about the provider’s privileges usave.co.uk. I studied their website and was very surprised. They have many packages for different prices. I chose the right one for me and now I am very happy! Good luck!