[Solved] Button visibility

Is anyone facing problems with thunkable

Thank you for joining us on the forum. Your post is very vague, would you please specify what issues you are having? We can’t assist you or confirm the issue if we don’t know the problem.

I have created a app in that I have a photo library and when user selects the photo it shows you a preview and set a button’s visibility true but it is not happening and an error is been shown when I download an app

Could you post a screenshot of the error and your blocks?

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It didn’t got send so I will just try again

Now it’s working thanks as you asked to send screenshot so I looked the codes and got to know that it didn’t saved the code thanks

When you create a topic on the forums, choose a title that briefly describes the problem. I’ve changed this title for you.

Even more important, please provide details instead of just asking if anyone has problems with Thunkable. That could mean anything. Screenshots of your blocks, error messages, etc. are really useful when you need help from the community here.