App picture displyed

The displayed image of the downloaded app is different from the picture displayed to the Live Test. To the screen 1 I draw 4 circular buttons, to the Live Test the image of the screen is fine. Downloaded the app, the buttons are crushed at the sides. How I can do to have the rigth picture? Until now I spent 3 download witout solve the problem.

Take a look at this topic: [Resolved] How to make a circular button in drag and drop?

Hi Tatiang , I try to explain my problem. I selected exactly the right circle. At the beginning ,for each circle button, I had background color blue. In the block I used function "Button TOUCH UP - TOUCH DOWN " selecting 2 different pictures for UP or DOPUN . When the App was running , the first picture displayed was the 4 button with blue color . once I touched each button the right button picture was displayed. to avoid this issue, Instead to have background color, I selected background picture and i used the same picture used in the block for botton “Touch UP”

- this is how the APP is displayed with blue background color.
this s the picute as I touched all 4 bottons
this is the picture as I replaced the blue Background with the picture
this is the picture of the app as is displayed to my phone with LIVE TEST ON DEVICE
this is the picture of the App downloaded to my phone while the app running

this is part of my block

Try setting each image’s picture resize property to contain.

If that doesn’t fix it, post a link to your project.

I tryed to resize twice. , on LIVE TEST result OK , downloaded, picture is different. I spent 2 dowloads to test APP

I tryed to resize immage inside tothe button. Now is W 80x H80 (NATIVE is 80x80). With The App created with MIT App Inventor (all Button is 80x80) I have this result:

With the app created with Thunekable I Have this result:

There is someting wrong . Below app link

On my iPhone 13 Pro, the buttons look squished the other direction, so the only thing I can suggest is to read the topic I linked to above.

Mi Phone is REDMI NOTE 13 PRO + and look squished in vertical… with Live test look like good. (my opinion is something wrong in the software) bat, I’m here to learn. Do you have my shared link ,try yourself to fix issue, I can Learn something and I don’t spend more download. until now I done 5 downloads without solve the problem. (Idone 5 Tests and for each test , Live test was showing unsquished BUTTONS)

Thank you in advance for your support.

I’m not able to help troubleshoot this issue for you. Maybe someone else will suggest a fix. Or you can contact Support if you have a Thunkable license that includes that.

Hi Matt, Sorry if I disturb you again. I have problem with my App picture. I already opened a topic “App picture displyed - #3 by franco.demei
I spoke about that, with Tatiang , but it couldn’t solve my issue.
It look like simple but… On my App I Used four round buttons with a picture of buttons. When I test the App ( LIVE TEST APP) the buttons picture is fine. In the downloaded app, all four button are sqished.This makes me difficult to find right solution to have a good image of the buttons. I read also " picture resize property" and I tried many times to adjust the size (5 download), this because with “LIVE TEST APP” the picture result ok. I spent 5 download without results. Can you please help me to solve this issue ? Thank You in advace.

Not sure what the issue is here but I will have to report this as a bug.

Thank you for answer Math. do you think i’ll’ take long time to fix a bag ?

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