Social media app like instagram

I want to create a social media app like mini instagram
Anybody can give a aia file of a social media app
Plss give aia file plsssss

Hi @a9302031972bnkp welcome to Thunkable!
Thunkable does not use AIA files.

If you want to view examples of social media apps you can always check out the public gallery and remix them from there.

Thunkable provides projects its is true

Otherwise plss help me how to create socialmedia app

Yes you can get them from the public gallery.

What have you tried?
It’s rather hard to help if I don’t know what the problem is?

Hi a9302031972bnkp, welcome to Thunkable! :tada:

Be sure to check out How to ask Great Questions v2.0, the Community Guidelines, and our Getting Started Guide to make the best of your Thunkable Community experience!

AIA files are not available via Thunkable. Our Community is a place for our Creators to work together in solving issues and sharing ideas. For the best results, you’ll want to start work on your project first and then ask specific questions if you run into them. You will be unlikely to get much help asking someone to help you without offering any specifics.

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ChatGPT is really great at helping to plan something like this. Here’s how it responded:

Hi there! It sounds like you’re interested in building a social media app using Thunkable, and I’d be happy to help you get started. Here are some steps and tips to guide you through the process:

  1. Plan Your App:
  • Define Your Features: Decide what features you want in your social media app. Common features include user authentication (sign up/sign in), user profiles, posting content (images, text, etc.), a feed to display posts, likes/comments, and possibly messaging.
  • Sketch Your App: Create simple wireframes or sketches of your app screens. This can help you visualize the layout and flow of your app before jumping into development.
  1. Get Familiar with Thunkable:
  • Explore the Interface: If you’re new to Thunkable, take a tour of its components, blocks editor, and design features.
  • Check Tutorials: Thunkable has a range of tutorials and community resources. Look for tutorials on building apps with user authentication, working with Firebase (or Airtable) for the backend, or creating multi-screen apps.
  1. Setting Up User Authentication:
  • User Accounts: Use Thunkable’s built-in support for Firebase Authentication or another backend service to enable user sign-up, login, and password recovery.
  • Secure Data: Make sure your app securely handles user data by following best practices for authentication and data storage.
  1. Designing the User Interface:
  • Multiple Screens: Create separate screens for login/signup, user profiles, the post feed, and a screen for creating new posts.
  • User Interaction: Utilize Thunkable’s drag-and-drop components (buttons, text inputs, image pickers, etc.) to build an interactive and user-friendly interface.
  1. Setting Up Your Backend:
  • Database Integration: For storing posts, user data, and interactions, integrate a backend database like Firebase Realtime Database or Firestore. Thunkable provides components for connecting to these databases.
  • Data Structure: Plan a clear data structure. For example, you might have collections for users, posts, comments, etc.
  1. Adding Core Functionality:
  • Posting and Feeds: Use Thunkable blocks to save user posts to your database and retrieve them to display in a feed.
  • Real-Time Updates: Consider using Firebase’s real-time capabilities if you want your feed to update automatically as new posts come in.
  • Interactivity: Implement features like liking posts or commenting using Thunkable’s logic blocks and database update actions.
  1. Testing and Debugging:
  • Live Testing: Use Thunkable Live to test your app in real time on your device. This allows you to see changes immediately.
  • Gather Feedback: Test each feature individually and collect feedback from potential users to make improvements.
  1. Further Learning:
  • Community Support: Don’t hesitate to ask questions in the Thunkable Community forums or check out YouTube tutorials for hands-on demonstrations.
  • Documentation: Refer to Thunkable’s official documentation for detailed guides on various components and functionalities.