Show Data View registries only for user

I have and app that is like a “bullet journal”, and I have a sign in feature with FireBase, when logged in, the user see a Home screen with data using the componente data viewer, and this component uses my Airtable, is there any way to show the registries in data view

only for the same user as he logged in?

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I don’t understand what you want to show in the data viewer ??

Do you want to show the people info who registered to your app

My data viewer has the information on the air table, when a registry is created, it creates a row with the email that the user signed in, but when anyone log in, shows every registry from different emails. I want to show just the registries with the same email the user signed in

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I want to make sure that I am understand

so if i will sing up to your app with my email
inside your app you want to show this email under my profile page for example

that is what you want ?

I want to make sure that I am understand
so if i will sing up to your app with my email
inside your app you want to show this email under my profile page for example
that is what you want ?

If you sign up, you will see this page:

but everyone will see this page, the idea is: you can create a new entry, a new trip, like “New York”, and this will create a row in airtable with the email you signed in. But “Salvador”, for example, another user created that, i want you to see just your entry, not the others with other emails

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okay now i understand you

you already connect your app with FireBase you dont need the air-table for this

to done your work you need Realtime Database and their under the user id you can save all the info you take form him and when hi will back and login to app the data viewer will show just his info

Ok, I’ll try to use realtime database, thanks!