Search in data viewer grid

Hi guys,
I am making a travel app in Thunkable. To view all the attractions I am using data viewer grid which takes information from google sheets. Now pay attention, I need to make a search on data viewer grid, so that I can write a word in the search box and data viewer grid will show me only those listings where this word is present. How to add a search bar and a button in the design is clear to me, I don’t understand how to search the whole google table or at least one column in the blocks. Please help me to understand how to do it. Thanks

Why don’t you try loading a variable with your name column in “Attractions” and then search the contents of the variable. See below for the blocks you could use. You’ll need to adjust for your project, but basically the first step is to load up the variable upon opening the screen and then searching using the text in your search box. When you get a match, you’ll execute the routine you put into the “do” space.