First screen loads twice and triggers Screen.Opens block twice on the downloaded iOS app and sometimes triggers Screen.Starts block and sometimes doesn’t.
This is copied from a private conversation I am having with maptheunknown. If anyone tests my app and gets a difference result from what I paste below, we’d love to hear about it!
I tried to replicate this issue, and I was not able to.
I tested this app in the browser, and I downloaded it to an Android device and an iOS device.
As you can see, the app has two screens, and each screen has two labels. One says ‘starts’ and one says ‘opens’. When each screen starts, a ‘1’ is added to the end of the ‘starts’ label. When each screen opens, a ‘1’ is added to the end of the ‘opens’ label. You can navigate between the screens using a Button or the Bottom Tab Navigator.
The app behaves as expected: the ‘starts’ block is fired once when the app starts, and the ‘opens’ block fires every time the screen opens, including the first time. This behavior is consistent whether you navigate between screens with the Buttons or the Navigator.
If you test this app on a device and it does not behave this way, please let me know what behavior you see, and what device and OS (+version) you are using.
Hi @jane. The issue appeared about a month ago right after one of your back-end updates. My app has been live since last year and I have not been experiencing the issue, nor have I made any changes to the app’s first screen which now loads twice on both iOS and Android. I can make a video of the issue and send it to you privately. But I can tell you for sure, I am not dreaming, the issue is real.
I’ll get back to you about your project but not sure why I need to since I can recreate it already on the project I shared. Can you try if you can recreate on your side using my project? Thunkable
This was the same for me. About a month ago when I started seeing my splash screen showing up twice. I didn’t think it was a big deal at that time and thought it was just the animation but now I realized and started seeing that it’s duplicating data and calculation and executing Screen.Opens block twice.
@jane I checked your project and you cannot see the issue because you only set the text. This only shows that Opens and Starts were triggered but doesn’t show if it was triggered twice and if the the text was actually set twice. To really see the issue you should use an Alert. If the Starts or Opens triggers twice then the alert will be called twice thus it will pop-up twice.
Here is a screen recording. You can see that the Starts and Opens were triggered twice thus the Starts and Opens alert popped-up twice. If you keep testing, you’ll notice that sometimes Starts is triggered 3x. And, if you remove Starts block then Opens gets triggered always twice or 3x.
@jane - Any update on this? This is critical for my app to be released. Were you able to reproduce? Are you guys working on this? Any estimate on when it will be fixed?
We are still working on this issue. As a workaround, you can add a Timer to your app, set it to go off after 100 milliseconds, and put your ‘when Screen Opens’ blocks inside a ‘when Timer Fires’ block.
@jane is there any update you can share with us on this? Any progress, something, anything? This issue is killing us! Would creating a Git issue make any difference? C’mon!
Thanks for creating the github issue. I hope this gets fixed soon. This is the only critical bug we are waiting to fix to be able to release our app publicly in the app store.