Reload function doesn't work on button (solved)

Hello! I’m continuing my web browser, for an assignment, and this is how it looks like:

But when the web viewer reloads, it gets stuck on the screen:

on phones:

And there’s no way to get past it except for clicking :house: which is the home button. It goes to a website that you originlly entered, in case you clicked on an unwanted link. But it uses the reload function, and still works: only significantly altered to display homepage. And it works.

Any problem? Here’s the link:
Looking forward to replies.


Your reload blocks change the webviewer’s url to a .png file. So that’s not going to reload the webviewer in any way. It’s just going to display the hourglass image.

Just because you call the function “reload” doesn’t mean it actually does that. Why don’t you just set the webviewer’s url back to an empty string (“”) instead since I’m pretty sure that’s how it starts out.

More importantly, you’re hiding and showing a bunch of components when a web page is accessed so you’ll need to do that part of the “reloading” manually by reversing those actions.

When you go to an empty text block page, it doesn’t reload. It functions as if nothing happened. That’s for a mobile. I’m using an Android in this case.
On a PC, it’ll reload properly: only thing: just displays the home page.
Also: Before, back when it was an hourglass image, before changing it to nothing. Here’s the issue. but the one issue with the “reload” function and it causes problems on both devices: PC and mobile. The PC does reload, but then it goes back to the home page. While on the phone, the web viewer displays an image: not the image compontent. It doesn’t resume your session: it’s there forever (unless you click the home icon). The session was coded so that there is a variable that is the url, but excludes the reloading page (loading screen). On the mobile, it includes it, and there’s no way to go back.

What is it you want the ButtonRefresh “Rload” button to do?

Because you’ve coded it to just display an image.

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To reload the page in the webviewer

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To do that I would try setting the Web_Viewer1’s URL to the Web_Viewer1’s URL (both green blocks). I’m not positive that will reload the website but that’s my guess. Setting the URL to a png file as you’ve done is definitely not going to reload the site.

Seems like a good idea. Please wait.

It does nothing.

The web viewer reloads automatically whenever the URL is changed.

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Try setting URL to about:blank, wait one second, then set URL back to original. If it doesn’t work, Google it up.

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I know

I did. And it doesn’t do anything on the Thunkable app on mobile.
On desktop, it just goes to the home page. So if you clicked on a link, it would go to the URL you entered previously in the text input.

Can you share a new link to your project?

Nevermind it works. I tested it on an android.

@krish0 please look at the latest reply I sent to @tatiang

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The problem as far as I can tell on iOS is that you are reloading the page as http:// when it seems to need https:// (for most sites).

Edit: The documentation for the Webviewer states that you must use https://.

So for example, if I type in “” and tap Go, it takes me to the CNET website. If I tap on an article there and then tap on Rload, it doesn’t do anything. But with these blocks, it does… it reloads the original URL I typed in:


Okay, I MIGHT try devoloping a variant of an app that’s for HTTPS only. Soon I’ll merge these apps together to be hybrid.
This may be in the far future though, idk.
Eh, just close the topic.

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