Receiving data from BLE device (HM-10 bluetooth module)

My group is currently working on a project where we need to be receiving constant outputted data from a BLE device. We are using the HM-10 Bluetooth module connected with our Arduino. So far we have been able to scan and connect successfully to the device when using the live demo app. However, whenever we attempt to receive data (either string or byte array) we do not get actual values. We have been getting outputs of diN ??? (the question marks being in rhombuses). We have tried different characteristic UUID’s however, the current one being used was found online and does not give an error message. I am unsure if this is an issue with how our reception is set up in Thunkable or if it is how we are sending our data in Arduino. However, if any one has any knowledge or advice on this subject it would be greatly appreciated!

Hi @kayleep0702yrni0i , welcome to Thunkable! :tada:

Is your hardware sending the data using the READ or NOTIFY method?

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Hi, thank you for your response! I believe we are using the READ method. Here is an image of our Arduino code so far. We are just trying to get a baseline at sending any sort of data, but have not been able to yet.

Edit: Also, currently we are trying to transmit “x” first (which does work!), and then receive data.

Hello @kayleep0702yrni0i
Based on previous posts (post1, post2), HM10 doesn’t transmit strings, they broadcast strings (notify method).
This means that you will need to use the BLE blocks “Subscribe To Characteristics” and “Characteristics Change” to subscribe to peripheral device’s characteristics and receiving data.

Hiii, same issue here. What should I do? Im also using arduino (uno) with HM-10