Quiz with lists (from list) in CSV format (google drive)

Hi all,

I have some experience with AI2 (MIT).

But I’m lost with this ThunkableX, I’m developing a Quiz with list originating from a CSV (Google Drive) file.

When I hit the Quiz button the screen turns white and nothing happens (nor an error message).

I’m following a ScreenShot screen, any help is welcome


Blocks - Part 1/2

Blocks - Part 2/2


Do you test your application on Android?

If you give a link to your project, I will find the reason for the appearance of a white screen.

Unfortunately, the white screen appears quite often on Android and to find out its causes sometimes it turns out by means of step-by-step debugging, when all components are sequentially disconnected and checked their properties, or by means of “adb logcat”.


Yes I use Android Phone.

The white screen problem I solved by changing: “make list from text from WebQuiz.Body” for “make list from text from response”.

But I’m still in doubt, could you help me?

  1. “in list remove first” remove first element of table not first row (AI2
    removes the entire line).

  2. “make list from text from response” with delimiter “,” not make a 7 colluns

  3. I can´t make sublists




I understood your questions. Now I’ll look at the project.


The problem is that the “list from text with delimiter” block splits all the data from the table into rows - the character \n does not work (in Thunkable X from Excel) and a whitespace character is substituted for it.

To solve this problem, you need to use a unique symbol at the end of each row to divide the data into rows:

Pergunta,Correta,altA,altB,altC,altD,altE #
Traduzir para o Ingles: Verde,E,Brown,Red,White,Purple,Green #
Traduzir para o Ingles: Verde,E,Brown,Red,White,Purple,Green #
Traduzir para o Ingles: Verde,E,Brown,Red,White,Purple,Green #
Traduzir para o Ingles: Verde,E,Brown,Red,White,Purple,Green #
Traduzir para o Ingles: Verde,E,Brown,Red,White,Purple,Green #
Traduzir para o Portugues: Azul,B,Blue,Red,White,Purple,Green #
Traduzir para o Portugues: Azul,B,Blue,Red,White,Purple,Green #
Traduzir para o Portugues: Azul,B,Blue,Red,White,Purple,Green #
Traduzir para o Portugues: Azul,B,Blue,Red,White,Purple,Green #
Traduzir para o Portugues: Azul,B,Blue,Red,White,Purple,Green

First, you divide the data into rows by the symbol “#”, and then divide the selected row into fields by the symbol “,”.

To get a clean data, use the “trim” block.


thanks a lot!

But not work again…

I try use # in many ways, like:
Pergunta,Correta,altA,altB,altC,altD,altE # (in same cell of altE)
Pergunta,Correta,altA,altB,altC,altD,altE# (in same cell of altE)
Pergunta,Correta,altA,altB,altC,altD,altE,# (in new cell)

Please, what am I doing wrong?


Thanks for any help


2 posts were split to a new topic: Can I download a .CSV file from Google Drive?

3 posts were split to a new topic: How to download from Google Drive?

Hi all,

I use Airtable version of Spreadsheet, more easy in blocks mode.

But some problems remains, like can I find maxrows and others, but workarround is possible like turn “END” in the first cell of last row.

Thanks a lot,


For two-dimensional data, the variant with the table is used.

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Are you looking for this function?


In Thunkable X, you can retrieve or change any data in any fields after initially retrieving all the data from the AirTable.