Quiz answers keep being marked as incorrect?

I followed one of the tutorials on Thunkable for Making a Quiz App, but for some reason when you play the quiz it marks every answer as ‘wrong’ (even if you tap the right answer) I’ve been looking to see where I messed up in blocks, but I still don’t know. Can anyone help explain?

Can you post a link to the project? I don’t see anything obviously wrong from those screenshots but I might be able to find it quicker if I could preview the project.


Yes! The screen is labeled ‘Lesson Page’



The data in your tables is just filler data:

Unless you’re getting the data from somewhere else?


This is a typical issue when copying projects in Thunkable when the project has Data Sources such as Google sheet or Airtable.

The Thunkable copy process will reset the table connection to local DB and fill it with sample data.

This process although a good privacy issue, it makes app testing very difficult.

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I’m using Air table right now (Here’s what it looks like),

Sorry, my apologies… I didn’t realize the data source was external.

So when you’re checking to see if the correct answer was chosen, you’re comparing an integer (e.g. 3) to the value from Airtable. Do you mean to do that? And if so, why? Because I don’t see any integers in the range of 1 to 4 in your Airtable data.

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The column Correct Answer, should contain only numbers 1 - 4. The current setup makes coding more difficult and leads to errors.


See this sample app