i have a request to thunkable staff to copy text to clipboard! pls
You can make a feature request on GitHub:
Search to see if it exists and if so, +1 it and if not, you can add it.
The more details you can provide, the better. For example, I assume you mean that you want the ability for the user to be able to copy text within an app? Can’t they already do that? So maybe you mean as a developer in the Blocks tab? See, I’m confused!
how??? i saw one method by @jared but it only works on browser
What is it you’re trying to do, exactly?
i want to copy a text to clipboard user device
It doesn’t only work on browser. It works across devices, no?
i tested it it does not work on a android device
Bummer! I’ll look into that!
@jared Is there an update on this feature? It is something I would love to add to my current project
Without a feature request, it probably won’t get added. I’d suggest you consider adding one:
Edit: or +1 this issue: Add copy to clipboard · Issue #899 · thunkable/thunkable-issues · GitHub
Add a Web Viewer
to your screen and have this as the URL and test it
Update to this thread
Document.execCommand is being deprecated - I am now using/testing navigator.share
Not all browsers support it so the fallback is still document.execCommand
The benefit of navigator.share is the user doesn’t need to paste the copied text
So on iPhone it opens up the default messaging options (see screenshot)
Needs to run under ‘https’ - ideally I would like to reference https://thunkable.site but for the time being I’m referencing GitHub
Downside to this is on a desktop browser the users gets to see the GitHub url

@jared I;m having problems with copy/paste in web apps and wondered if you had any thoughts? - Im trying navigator.share - which integrates well on safari/iPhone - but because I am having to serve the html pages on GitHub the GitHub domain is appearing in the message -which is a bit confusing for the user and the recipient. I have to serve the pages from https - is there anyway I can serve the pages from https thunkable domain?