Optimized DataViewList?

At some point, on a discussion with @Thunkable_Staff occurred on a Thunkable Hours meeting, when I point my issue regarding some delay in displaying a DataViewerList, I’ve been told that after looking into the code, DataViewerList does something wrong when it displays dynamically custom made date (like coloring the cells different for every row, bold-ing font, and so on) - something like unnecessary loops that delays…
Any news about looking into that and solve it ? :thinking:
I know that this is not something critical for thunkable, but is important for someone like me, or others that are looking to optimize the speed of their apps.
Thank you for you time :smiling_face:

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I must say, I had a similar experience with another member (@unsalberkay1905cfbe) who wanted to color each line of the DVL and we end up using the cloning instead of the DVL.

See this post

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I bypass the local table completely! I’ll post a video this week! Pretty decent speed imo.


That would be a huge enhancement. Awaiting your video

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Can`t wait to see it. Thank you. :smiling_face:

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