OpticalMath - Solve your Math problems easily!

Hey Thunkers! Introducing my new app (it is a biggest project I made with Thunkable).

First of all, I want to say that I didn’t even think that it’s possible to do that, but a long work and hard thinking can do anything! Today I want to showcase OpticalMath. OpticalMath allows you to solve your mathematical equation easily! Right now it only supports simple mathematics (addition, substraction, multiplication, division) and only 2 different numbers.
It is a competitor to PhotoMath. Best of all it supports handwriting! Thanks to Mathpix

Link to Google Play Store:

Addition Symbol is +
Substraction Symbol is -
Multiplication Symbol is x
Division Symbol is :

Thanks @Mika for Special Tools extension & for translating app to German language
Thanks @pavi2410 and @Sander0542 for FAB extension
Thanks @Taifun for Clipboard extension
Thanks @barreeeiroo for helping me with “First and Last words” & for translating app to Spanish language
Thanks @Ch0liax & @chiccovision for translating app to Italian language
Thanks @Red_Panda for translating app to French language


Excellent! Hope it reaches 1 million downloads. :slight_smile:

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Thanks :smiley:. Note you part of this app!

I wrote ‘5 + 5’ in a page and the result was

This is very accurate.

The image that I clicked - (It contained other things which were ignored, which is great thing)

Also, note that you can use floats, for example: 7,89 - 17

Can it be changed to / or ÷?

I’ll add that in an upcoming days. Right now I am working on fixing minor bugs. I’ll be adding *, • for multiplication and /, ÷ for division

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Also when I wrote 5.67 x ∞ and clicked the image, it showed me this. I think you should handle such cases.

Also does it solve equations?

Yea, there is a lot of bugs. For example you cant use π. This is a developer preview! :slight_smile: this app will be updated daily

Well simple ones like 17,97 : 849. In an upcoming months it will also support stuff like Pi, Square, Root, Round, other! This is a developer preview! :smiley:
P.S: I am bringing π to the next update!

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For your note, I tried x + 5 = 0, which causes this

Yea it doesn’t work yet with stuff like x * 5 + x = 6

One more thing, could you work on Manual crop the image (to be done by user himself) so that upload time gets reduced?

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Well, can you give me a demo how to do that? PM me :slight_smile:

Version 1.1 has been released
New version introduces:
• Added mathematical constant Pi support
• Changed about screen text
• UI improvements

New version is being uploaded into Google Play store. It may appear in a few hours.

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When my app’s icon is Pi, then my app’s size is 3,14MB! :smiley:


Incidently, the size of the app is π MB. :joy:

What a timing @ILoveThunkable!!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
By the way, new version is uploaded!

Great app :heart:️ It’s accurate and works amazing!

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