Open link from Webview to another app or browser

I only managed for android while doing:

web: //

I tried to do the same on the iPhone and it does not. I tried other names and I could not. Only on Android.

Would you be able to tell me what URL I can use to make iOS PageView recognize that I want the link to open in the browser and not within PageView?


try to use plugin for IOS ( now I can’t remember the name of that plugin that allowed to do it )

Hi @alissonar7,

You should be able to use the open link block to do this:


@maxmuller2199v0y, currently Thunkable X doesn’t support plugins.

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What’s mean on error

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The ‘on error’ block just means that if the link can’t be opened (maybe because the user isn’t connected to the internet), to do whatever action is in that block. You could use to to display a message like “Can’t open this link! Please check your connection and try again.”

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Ha, I suggest it rename to “if error”.

I really want to know how to do this. Anyone?

How to do what? It’s really helpful if you provide your own question. It may be very similar to the original post but it’s still good practice here.

Also, have you tried the Open Link block? If so, did they work? If not, what exactly happened?

Ok. I need to open a link (href or in a external browser from within a webviewer.
It works fine on Android, but on iOS, link is opened inside the webviewer.
I have tried href and with target blank and system.