I am trying to wrap a Wordpress site into thunkable using the Web_Viewer component. There are going to be links that have to open in a browser outside of the app. How should the links in the Wordpress site be created so that they can open a browser outside of the app?
Hello Jared, thank you for your response. I totally didn’t word that well. I would like a page to open in a web browser. Didn’t know if a link could be configured so that if selected in Thunkable, it would open in a web bowser outside the app.
or are you asking, while running the app with a WP webpage on the screen using the webviewer, and you click on a link on that webpage, can you set thunkable or wordpress to tell the phone, “dont open this in the app, open an actual browser?”
Exactly, I would be selecting the link in the Wordpress webpage, but I didn’t know if there was a way to make the link tell to not open in the app, but an actual browser.