Oops! Mismatch Team ID: The team id in your file

Hi, I’ve already successfully upload one app on Apple and trying to upload a 2nd

But I get this error.
1,2,3 all work fine, but 4 is the problem.
I tried to use the Provisional Profile from my previous app, but it didn’t work.
So I made a new one, and it also doesn’t work.
Any ideas?
Is there something Thunkable has that I need to make a new Provisional Profile?

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When you registered the app ID for this project in your Apple Developer account, was the team ID used there the same as the one you entered in step 2?

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I used the one that automatically appeared.

So I guess I have to get a new app ID then

I just used the one that automatically appear from the first app I made and uploaded.

I just went back and was able to do everything for the first app, no problem.

So, do I need a new Team ID ?

Thanks for your troubles.

@peterjamesleniq This was a temporary issue that has now been fixed. You can try publishing again and the error should no longer get this mismatch team ID error. Let me know if you are still having any troubles.

Thanks for your patience!

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It still doesn’t work.

In pic 1, you can see the name of the app, it is a resistors app, so has the work resistors at the end of it.
Pic 2, loads ok.
But Pic 3 has my wood grading app as the app bundle.
But it should be my ne resistors app from Pic 1.

I thought I’d start over and tried to delete this.

But it won’t let me.

I did a small upgrade on my wood grading app for iOS, and it loaded up to the Apple App store this morning with no problem.

Any ideas?

Are you using the certificate that is pre-loaded in step 2 or uploading it each time?

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Using the pre loaded one,
It displays like this, and I just press ‘Next’

I probably made a mistake on the Apple end of things.
But what I am thinking is, can I get thunkable to make a new App Bundle name?
Can we change it ourselves or does thunkable generate it for us?

The Bundle ID is involved in registering the app, creating the identifier and in the provisioning profile. If the Bundle ID in Apple is different, you’ll want to just change it in Thunkable before publishing again.

Hi Matt,
Thanks will do.

Can I change the bundle Id myself?
Do I just type in anything I want, or does Thunkable have to generate it for me?

Just asking because I don’t want to make an error again.

In the notes it states:

"Every new Thunkable project is automatically given a unique App (Bundle) ID. "

The Bundle ID generated is based Apple’s and Google’s guidelines, your email, and the name of your project.

It must have at least two segments (one or more dots).
    Each segment must start with a letter.
    All characters must be alphanumeric or an underscore [a-zA-Z0-9_].

We create the bundle ID using your email and name of the project: domainSuffix.domainName.projectName

But yes, theoretically, you can change it to whatever you like so long as you adhere by the three rules above.


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