

I get this message when trying to publish my app, its just an update, but the video player was not working properly and I changed it to web viewer, works great on android and it’s published but on ios it doesn’t let me send for review.

  1. I have already done what this article asks: Tracking Usage Description | Thunkable Docs
  2. I’m not really tracking and sharing any data, just loads an audio file, Video component works poorly on both android and ios
  3. The link is to Firebase Storage.
  4. I have already updated the privacy information at apple:
    Please help! I need this to work urgently.

Hi @diego_techlsh2ak, I checked our logs and the Tracking Usage Description seems to be blank in the last build sent over to App Store Connect.
To add the Tracking Usage Description, you need to do it in two places:

  1. Project Settings:
    • Open your project settings
    • Look for the iOS heading
    • Find the “Tracking Usage Description” field and enter your description
  2. Publishing Wizard:
    • When you’re ready to publish, start the iOS publishing process
    • During this process, you’ll encounter a modal where you can enter the Tracking Usage Description again

Hi @conroy

That didn’t work, fill out the User Tracking Description in both places as you mentioned. But got the same error from Apple.

The solution was to leave those in blank here at Thunkable, and select the option to send to publish anyway. Apple review was not a problem, but this is because no data is actually shared, so I’m worry I may eventually need it, and thunkable only has the information you mentioned… and didn’t work…