NSUserTrackingUsageDescription - Issue publishing

Hi guys,

i have read all the relevant opened topics about this and i still can’t find a solution that suits me.

My app is for Kids and, for Apple’s rules, nothing can be tracked at all.
I am not tracking anything but, while filling the privacy from in Apple Developer page, there is no way i can proceed withouth ticking the box “collecting data for monitoring” in the Location>Aproximate position section.
If i try to un-tick the box it says that my app has NSUserTrackingUsageDescription component and won’t let me continue.

Same happens when i want to declare that the data collected are not for monitoring.

I almost tried everything, also not filling the text-box space that appears while sending the app from Thunkable to Apple, the “App Transparency” label.

If anyone has found a solution to this, please let me know

Thank you for your time