No record in BBD Airtable and Photo problem

I can’t understand what is happening : :upside_down_face: :hot_face:

I had a problem. A button that was not invisible gave me empty records in my AirTable database (which shows that AirTable is well connected with the application).

I took over exactly what I already did to capture and upload a photo to another project. The layout changes a bit.

To date, no recording in the bbd is made since I fixed my visible button error.

Full Sreenblock with comment :

For information :

For information, in my screen list, i can see the one value i’ve record directly

If something needed, ask ))

And this don’t work too :


This have been add just for control if all works… and it works


I’ve find the soluce.

I wondered if the problem came from confusion with the databases, or a problem in the setings of the application.
2 things differed between my 2 projects.
The first is the add of Firebase for users.
The second is the add of cloudinary
After removing cloudinary from the settings, everything works. :upside_down_face:

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