No mail and No Published app to App store connect

My App is passing the process without problems. I receive a message that i will get an email from Apple to tell me when the app is in Apple Store Connect - But i do not get this email and i do not get the app published.

Any ideas?

Hi @stefansladdeneng1

First of all, congrats on making it to the publishing process! We’d love to see your app once it makes it to the App Store.

A few questions:

Have you published an app before? Is this the first time you are submitting the app to Apple for review? What was the date of submission?

If it’s your first app as a publisher and/or your first time submitting this version of the app, Apple’s review process can take several weeks.

You can check your App and Submission Statuses on App Store Connect - check out this article here.

Hope that helps!
