Hi team!
I am new on thunkable
I am building an attendance app where teachers will 1st add their students and when they add a student a row will be created in airtable with the student name as value under the column name(column name is the teacher’s name who is logged in). The name of teacher which is logged in is stored in stored variable USER, i want t that when the button is clicked a new row should be created (values for other columns will be empty and only the value for logged in user will be filled) but i dont find any block with which we can dynmically create row like it can only be done with if else , but what if in future ne teacher came in our organization?
So i tried to create row with object and fields but we cannot set the value of field to get from a variable (we have to set it in code only)
I think i explained everthing well now please help , how can i do that without using if else
Hello @japanjotsinghandgran
Sorry for the late reply.
Adding multiple conditions sounds a good solution for dynamic updates. Loops can be used as well.
Post an example of the spreadsheet data. It’s hard to know what to suggest without seeing how you’ve arranged the columns.
If you are adding a row and including the username, why does it matter if a new teacher joins? Their username would also be added to the rows that are created.
It can be helpful to provide screenshots of your blocks or a link to your project as well.
I tried but unable to find exact logic , can you please explain?
In green there is the teacher’s name
and in red are the students name.
Currently i am using blocks like this (this is hardcoded)
The variable USER is the value of the user who is currently logged in
In airtable a cloumn name is there with that user name
will i get reply? @tatiang @ioannis
Make sure each column spot has a value. Instead of an empty block space, put an empty text string (“”).
Also, you need to create a loop using Loop blocks if you want more than one row to be created.
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i think you didn’t understand my question , it was that can’t i make it that it should be hardcoded, because the way i made it now it is working but thr thing is that i dont want hardcoded.
When you are using Airtable, you should have a single row for each user. If your users are going to be teachers, then a row would have a teacher name, students names, etc. For that, you will need to restructure your database.