Need Help on Firebase

Hello, I wanna ask my problem. Actually it’s not a problem, but it makes people think that this might be an “error” or “ignored mistakes”. I have made the blocks for the firebase like this.

When I clicked the Register button, the text input on the email and password turn/change become “null” and then finally it navigates to HOME. How to avoid the users saw that change (becoming null). I tried to use the blank pink ("…") but it failed. This one works perfectly, but the users saw the null. Please help me to solve this kind of problem, because the teacher maybe suspect that as an error


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Hello actech,
Thanks for the solution. But I need to set EMAIL_REGISTER text input to EMAIL variable and PASSWORD_REGISTER text input to PASSWORD variable, because on my login screen I used different block (EMAIL_LOGIN and PASSWORD_LOGIN). To make both work on different screen I think that I need to use variable. Do you have any ideas about how to connect both screen variable? Thanks!

If null is not appropriate, use an empty string

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I’ve tried to use the empty string to replace the null, and it’s work fine. Thanks for the great solution, actech!