My Thunkable Labels Are Showing Null Values

Hi there,
I’m reaching out because I’m encountering an issue with my Thunkable app. The labels I’ve added are displaying “null” instead of the intended text. I’ve been trying to troubleshoot the problem myself, but haven’t been able to pinpoint the cause.

Would you be able to offer

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Is every single label displaying “null”? If so, it sounds like your data source isn’t syncing properly. Try removing it from the project and re-adding it. What kind of data source is it (e.g. local, Google Sheet, Airtable)?

Hello, thank you very much for your response. I have already solved the “null” problem.

The blocks I posted above concern different problem.

Here is the problem concerning the blocks above

I’m working on a Thunkable app that builds doctor profiles. It uses three screens:

  1. Data Viewer List: Displays medical specialties (surgeons, gynecologists, etc.).
  2. Data Viewer List: Shows photos, names, and titles of doctors (initially unfiltered).
  3. Doctor Profile: Displays detailed information about a selected doctor.

My challenge is filtering the second screen’s doctor list based on the chosen specialty from the first screen. Ideally, when a user selects a specialty, only doctors with that specialty should appear in the second screen’s list.

I’d appreciate any guidance on how to achieve this filtering functionality in Thunkable.

Thanks for your help!

@ajallohx you would need to build a list of the doctors that have that specialty, and then display that list of doctors to the user.

How you do that will depend on how your data is structured.

Thank you very much for your help. The above image shows the list I’m using on google sheets as a data sources. Do I have to create another list to be able to filter the doctors according to their specialties?

I’m not sure what the fastest or most efficient way to structure the data in the Thunkable app (still trying to work that out myself), but if you have a list of specialties, you can display the distinct values in a list and when selected sort the Drs who have that specialty.

See if these help any:

Thank you very much. I’ll try it and let know if it works.

Hello, I’ve not been able to solve this problem of filtering despite using your blocks as a guidance. I have posted above two of my screens: one where I want to select the specialty and the other where I want the filtered result should appear. I see that your specialty and filtered result are in the same screen. Please can you share your data? or if you have other suggestions please let me know

On the first screen I initialized a new var filterSpecialty and set the default value to “All”.

When you click on a specialty item change the value of filterSpecialty to the value of the clicked item and navigate to your next page.

Copy the filterResults function to the next page, and configure the list items based on the value in filterSpecialty.

@marion.dorsett thank you very much. I appreciate. I’ll try and let you know

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