In order to consolidate the list of bugs that the community might be facing. I have placed created all of the reproducible bugs I’ve experienced. If you have a bug that you can reproduce, please add the description and a link to the project and I will update this list.
Screen scroll on/off bug: When changing the screen scroll parameter during a click action, the changing of the screen dismisses the keyboard resulting in a bad user experience.
Font weights don’t work on Android, when assigning a numerical value other than “bold” it doesn’t register and just shows the regular font. Link to Project
There are dozens of open bug posts but some of them are the same some are different. There isnt a place where someone can go to see if what they are experiencing is normal or if Thunkable is aware of it. This post can help both us as users and Thunkable to see what the community is facing.
As for DnD vs StP I only checked in DnD, whenever i report a bug using the chat, I just say DnD and report the bug. I am not required to check StP, I feel that would be Thunkables job to check to see if the problem is in both places