My application (crashes) closes automatically on Android 9 and higher

my app works on android 5 to 8, but when tested on 9 and higher version it just closes (no bug report). Somehow I managed to get this bug report

I made an inquiry to support but obviously they can’t help because no one has answered me for more than a few days. I hope someone has had a similar problem and can tell me what to look for.

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Do you use Canvas in this app?

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Could you show the full eroor and a screenshot of your blocks?
Also this is sometimes caused by a line of code that’s that bad the app won’t show a error.
I sometimes have this aswel it’s very anoying.

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Well, Till now I haven’t faced this problem, but I am pretty much sure that you must be missing a line in your code and that would be making a difference. Do give it a check and reply back.

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I did something more drastic. I removed all blocks and 90% of the screens. I left only one interaction. Clicking on a label “Добави” should open screen 2, but the app closes automatically instead. Here is the link:

when someone is coding, drastic things take place, it’s no big deal. The link is not responding, check it if there is some glitch.

Try this link
PS:I don’t understand the reason why the first one doesn’t work.

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Check this


App will crash if you try to open a screen containing a web viewer having the visible property set to false.


Strangely, I haven’t had a problem with this until now. I will change the values in the main project and write about the result.

I made the adjustments in the main project, but the problem remains. I don’t know if it has anything to do, but when I start the project for the first time on a live test, it crashes with the following error “attached photos”. This only happens on a device with little memory and on first startup. That’s why I didn’t pay attention to this collapse. After the second start, the application works.

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For low memory devices, you need to install APK and run it directly.

If you use the Thunkable live App then the live App will take memory and your app will take more and you might get out of memory quickly.

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