My app went entirely blank right after I purchased pro

I just purchased pro and wanted to publish my app right away. But the everything went blank as in the screenshot below. Please someone solve this.

Hi there, thanks for reaching out.

Could you try a hard refresh of your browser? Upon loading the page again, we will want to see if there are errors in the console. You can find info on how to access your browser’s console here.

This is likely just a temporary issues, as we have no current reported outages involving the Thunkable platform. You may also be able to see the screens again if you switch browsers.

Thanks for the fast response.
I tried it but didn’t work when refreshing. My other Apps worked fine. I duplicated the app and the duplicate is working fine. Thank you, Hope you’ll solve it soon

Could you please share the specific project URL with us so we can investigate it further?

You could copy it from the top of your browser.

This way we could find the best solution for you.


I also had a problem with blank screens. Try duplicating those screens, it worked for me - duplicated screen was visible in designer, after that I just deleted the previous and renamed duplicated.