Hello everyone I have noticed a bug that whenever i try to change any styles in a module such as width, height or visibility it does not change properly this is because I found that modules have a hidden wrapper that doesn’t change accordingly.
Simple structure: wrapper > group 1.
To better explain group1 changes it’s properties but not the wrapper, this causes the module to not change styles properly:
@sketch Can you share the URL for the module itself or for the project you’re working on? From the looks of the screenshot, this is an imported module, correct?
On home:
To reproduce: Press “Search Docs” button on the home screen, then a drawer menu opens from there you can see the height/width.
Now close the drawer and try to select list items that were behind the drawer.
You can’t click or interact with them due to the “wrapper”.
On Demo:
Tree structure:
Keyboard Events;
Mouse Events;
Searchable Menu;
To reproduce:
Searchable menu: same as on Home
Mouse Events: set to visible and keyboard events to invisible, you can see keyboard events still overlaps it even tho it’s set to invisible or it’s width/height set to 0
Hi @conroy i found a temporary fix for this issue, placing the module in a group and editing the groups it’s properties seems to solve most issues such as modules not going invisible, however width/height or positions still don’t seem to work when using this method.