Modules feedback

I tried to use 2 modules on the same screen (each module is the size of the full screen) and it is not possible to use both, you can only use the module that is further forward (or more superficial). I tried to make invisible the components of the module that is more superficial and still it does not let me click or interact with the module that is behind or any other element that is behind the module.

I use thunkable DnD.

The suggestion for this unforeseen situation would be to implement the option to make the module completely visible or not (or to be able to incorporate it into a group or layout) from the same project.

Thanks for the feedback on this @franc.pozo21qlruw9–we’ll take a look here and see what is going on. I do want to note that this is limited to when the module itself is set to the full width and height of the screen. Thunkable does support having multiple modules on one screen and we have tested this functionality to ensure that it works.

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