M3U radio stream

How can i play an m3u file, which is a live stream from a radio station. Is it possible currently? I have had no luck with the sound block so far.

All help is much appreciated. Thank you.

I found a web link to the stream, so that problem is sorted for now. But i am still wondering, is there any way to play m3u AUDIO ONLY streams

An example on the scrRadio screen. You are looking for?


i will only be playing m3u link. i am unsure about that example, sorry

is there any way to play m3u AUDIO ONLY streams

I’m afraid I don’t understand what you need to do. Can you give a more detailed description?

there is an m3u file that if you use windows media player, it will play the live stream from the radio station. I am wondering, is there a way in the app to make it work like windows media player and play from the m3u file

The M3U file in my case contains the URL. You need to open this file and read the link. It’s just not possible in Thunkable X. You can try to save the file on Android and then specify the absolute path to this file in the “open link” block.

Oh okay. Thanks for that info i will give that a try

Very good. But the iOS after locking the screen stops after a few seconds. Has anyone solved this problem?