Looking for a Thunkable Developer

Hi guys I’m looking for a thunker expert who can consult me on an issue or help me build a map related blocks. I’m willing to pay for the work of course. If there’s anyone interested or if you know anyone who can help me with this, please DM me, so I can share the details and the scope.

Thank you

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Can you tell me what kinda app you are trying to build maybe I could help you for free

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Thank you! I’ve DMed you.

If you share the issue(s) in the community, you will be able to reach out to everyone here. The community is more than happy to help you build your app.


I trying to build an app that gets user’s current location using the map component, and then check whether that current location is within a certain polygon and get a phone number from that polygon properties and call that phone number.

I have a json file of all the polygons.

Can you explain a bit more about the phone numbers? Is the app designed to get the users country code? Thanks!

It’s not designed to get users country, it’s a local app. I have json file of polygons that I
've drawn on a map. There’s a button in the app that let users call a certain phone number that is associated with each polygon on the map. Right now I have those numbers on the json file of polygons as a property of each polygon. It can be removed from the json file and used separately too, it doesn’t matter where the number is called as long as the user gets to call to an associated polygon number.