Hello Everybody,
I do not understand why space is different(pictures and text) between live test mode and final apk…
Pictures rezise mode and layout are in stretch mode to fit all the screens…
I tested many features, it’s the same…
Many thanks if an answer comes to me !
Do you mean the Thunkable Live app?
The screen sizes are a different aspect ratio so this is the expected behaviour @furieux0228l7t
might be a better option here to preserve aspect ratio.
Also, feel free to share some screenshots of the “before and after” so we can give more tailored suggestions
Thank you very much for your kind reply…
Here is after a picture between the two “modes”, Thunkable live app and apk…
I guess that screen size is different between two resolutions that are not the same and could make affect “pictures” but why is the space larger with apk ?
I will try " contain" but i dont think that could keep the space between text and pictures…
Thanks to all the team
No problem.
Yes, I can see the white-space is slightly different between the two, but is this negatively affecting performance or are any of your users complaining about this white space being slight larger?
This app is not sold for now, just in test so it’s just a question of aesthetics aspect…
I try different ways to put pictures inside button, float in place etc.etc and the same probleme appear BUT only with both " text before pictures".
I tested a lot of things as Samsung A50(screen 6,4") and Samsung Fold 3(7,6) and the space is the same…
So, no problem but i like to understand…
can you expand a little more on this please? Could you use an image component instead or group a couple of components together if you need to change the text overlay?
Sorry, i will reply in the next days…
Sure, thanks @furieux0228l7t !
Hi ! I’m back
So, it seems better when “rich text” is used with image “inside “button” (button…background…fill with image) but my app contain more than 100 pages and images so
I don’t want to change all the pages 
Another question: I looked how to do a drop down list(simple list), I’m afraid it is not possible…Could you confirm ?
Drop-down list for exemple:
an item( button) when touched, open 3 others items with links to pages in the app(not outside to google for exemple).
Item " fox” is touched open at the same time 3 items: prints, drops, burrow. User touch one of theses 3 items to go to the page he wants…
Hope you will understand my bad English… 
Thank you for that free version in local
Hello @furieux0228l7t
Thank you for sharing more information.
What is the issue with the buttons? Could you please share a screenshot?
It is possible to make a drop down using a simple list. Here are some examples: Drop-down Module - Tutorials and DIY Guides - Community (thunkable.com)
as said before, there is a space(text and picture) which is not the same between "editing/web preview and Live test/apk.
I would like not to have a big space between text and picture for not having big pages to scroll and aesthetics aspect.
The thing is I’m unable from the editing board or live test to see exactly what it goes in the final apk. Part of the text is sometimes hidden by picture…or with a big space to be sure to avoid it.
I try “contain” but it doesn’t change anything so I keep “stretched”.
With button and pictures as background(instead of “text and picture”, it’s coming better but not perfect…
Before sending in the store, I want it perfect. 
As I’m with the free version for now, I can’t test often with making apk so, may be you think in the future to offer a version paying 2 ou 3 euros/$ with more than 2 apk a month ?
Thank you for drop down tutorial.