ListView line spacing make smaller?

I would like to reduce the spacing between items in ListView to only one space. It looks like two line spaces (screenshot below), would like it half of that. All the settings for margin top / bottom and padding top/bottom are zero / 0 px. The text is centred vertically in the boxes. Is this the smallest spacing achievable? Thx!

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You might want to use a data list viewer and make a custom one. It might be easiest that way :grinning:

You need to create it in the Snap to Place then add to your project (works for both StP and DnD)


Or, you could start using layouts everyone!!! This would be very easy to accomplish the look you’re after!

Join us in Beta Testing the new Layouts component! (Rows / Columns for the Drag and Drop Interface)


The problem I have with using layouts, isn’t even with layouts lol It’s with cloning, making a data viewer type set up using layouts and cloning is harder then connecting data eith a data viewer and done :slight_smile:

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Thanks, I’ll look into that.

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Thx, I just want to keep it simple for now and live with the spacing, but will check that out.


This took very few blocks or time!!! Definitely a custom layout

What part of building with the layout do you find difficult?

I’m on vacation this week but could do a quick tutorial with/for people the following week!


For me cloning, and updating the clones is hard for me. The layout part is easy :grinning:

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Use the clone to simulate a List Viewer. This is the only way. If you are using StP then you can clone directly but it you are using DnD then you need to have a Layout component and then clone what is inside.

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