Hey Thunkers!
This week, some of you may have noticed a couple of updates on the Thunkable platform including:
*Bug fixes for Firebase
*Our first Image DB by our friends at Cloudinary.
Why might you want to use this component?
In 2017, it is projected that 1.3 trillion photos will be taken, 80% from mobile phones. With limited phone storage space, that means the vast majority of photos need to be stored in the cloud. For any apps that you want to invent that takes advantage of a phone’s ability to capture, edit, share photos (e.g. Instagram, Snapchat) that used to be in the realm of very expensive cameras, storage of photos is a must and this component makes storing photos in the cloud with a cool service called Cloudinary and returning a url very, very easy. We were surprised at how easy it was.
Here’s a sample app of a private version of Instagram (called Thunkable-gram) that incorporates Cloudinary, our Firebase DB, and Microsft’s Image recognizer to auto-caption someone’s photo post.
Thunkablegram.aia (51.5 KB)
Happy inventing!
Thunkable Team