Hi, I was trying to create an embedded browser test without the drag-and-drop interfrace, because I’m still not used to the drag-and-drop. I also find it easier without the drag-and-drop. This is how it looks like.
I have 2 main variables: homeURL and currURL.
The homeURL variable stores the URL you entered in the text input. This is used by the home button🏠, and the Buttongo (it goes to url in text input)
The currURL stores the current URL webpage you are on right now. This is if you went to a link in the homeURL. It is used by reload, label and home.
There’s also a label, LabelURL, and it stores the current URL if you went to a link. It’s used to show which URL you’re on right now, not the homeURL. But when I go to another webpage, it gets stuck on the homeURL, but there was never any connection between the homeURL and LabelURL in the blocks.
Take, for example, https://www.windows.com. It redirects to the MS website. But look at this video here: What happened - YouTube. The label does not display the currURL. I have here some code:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.