#IWant: Canvas in IOS Thunkable?

We are considering using Thunkable for a college course that we offer to CS non-majors. We offer the course every quarter (3 quarters) and have about 250 students per quarter. So, about 750 students per year.

Can you please check the status, and whether there is a version that we can test.

Thank you!

Domhnall’s estimation is the best we can give right now. I’m working on the canvas, and I’m trying to get it out as quickly as possible.

What specifically in the canvas component do you need?

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I have an experimental solution based on Map Canvas, but as @paulmw says, I would like to know what functionality you need and will web technologies work well for this?



In terms of functionality, we use the canvas drag function to detect a user motion to animate a flip book. We have other projects like space invader and brick breaker that uses image sprites and the canvas supports edge collision and collision with another object.