Hi all. It’s been a while that I have seen this issue. Was hoping it would be fixed by now. The “then do” part of the Play Sound block does not wait for the sound to finish playing before it executes. Here’s a link to a simple project to demonstrate the issue: Thunkable
The second label should not say “Finished playing!” until the end of the sound is how it used to be. I see there was a previous report of this issue in 2022 (Issues with the “then do” section of sound blocks. [Aug 2022]) that was not resolved. However I do remember it working at some point in 2023. Thanks for your help and resolution.
I imagine that it actually is working how it is intended now. I can double-check this with an engineer, but once block plays the sounds, block finished it’s “action”. Once it plays, then it does the next thing. If you want to know when the block finished or execute actions after the sounds, use this block.
Hi Brian. Thank you for responding. It’s actually not working as intended (“then do”). It actually fires right as the audio is playing. However I did just discover the block that you shared above and it works so I guess that is the solution for now. And it’s noted here. Peace and blessings!