Is there a way to detect a click in a cloned Group or Container using Layouts (beta)?

I’m very frustrated that there’s no simple way to create a custom DVL layout using the Drag and Drop interface. Groups can’t be saved as custom layouts (why not?). Containers are in beta and are hard to work with and unpredictable. For example, this Layout has a single container with alignment set to horizontal. It contains an image (for some reason not visible…?!) and two labels. But the labels aren’t in horizontal alignment. And then to make matters worse, in addition to there being two containers visible even though it only contains one, when I click on the actual container it either (a) selects the container, (b) selects the screen, or (c) selects on of the labels. Here’s a link to a private project that demonstates this. And a screen capture of my woes:

Bug report submitted here: We need a reliable, easy way to create custom DVL layouts in DnD · Issue #1236 · thunkable/thunkable-issues · GitHub

Edit: I realize I didn’t add the components to the container which is the cause of part of these problems. But even that’s more difficult and non-intuitive than it should be.

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