Handling Click Events for Dynamically Cloned containers


Im creating a DVL using clone functionality, everything looks to be OK except the When Any *** click event.

Ive gone through lots of posts in the community but its either not a straight thing to be achieved or im looping in circles…let me explain my project

Ive got a container inside a layout which contains containers and objetcs (text or image)

Using blocks, i connect to Airtable using API and clone the container1 as many times needed. Cloning the container level also clones all the objects in the container.

Result after executing looks good

But when trying to handle the clicks using the Any Image click…it does not work, even a simple alert to detect the click will not show up

Am i missing something? Do I need to clone also the components inside the container?



No feedback on this topic? Ive seen some similiar issues in the community although not exactly the same as im cloning a whole container composed of containers and objects (labels and image).

Hello @fedegarcia30hzc97a
Thanks for your patience.
Because you have a data viewer list you could use “When Data Viewer List Item Click” block

Hi @ioannis

Ive replaced the DVL with the clone functionality. this would allow me to connect to different sources at runtime.

You can see in the screenshot i have container filled with containers and objects.

During runtime,I setup the info of the url to connect to collect neccesary data

And iterate using clone block

By the way, if i click on the image of the container1 (not cloned ones) the When any image click works as expected. Its in the cloned containers that the Any click is not working

Hello @fedegarcia30hzc97a
As I shared in a separate support channel, the issue happens only when a logic module is added to the project.
We have flagged it to our engineering team and will provide an update as soon as possible.

If you need an immediate workaround, you could:
A. Remove the logic module or
B. Delete all the blocks inside the logic module, publish an update, and then update the module inside your project

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