When any buttion in a layout is pressed

hello all,
I want to use Any component to the following
If “Any button” in LAYOUT A is pressed i want an event to happen.

When i try this this appy to ALL buttons on Screen and not only to the buttons in Layout A with i want. With the example on the side you can see how it looks like…But i cant find a way to saY oNLY APPLICABLE IF ANY BUTTONS IN lAYOUT a IS PRESSED…

I asked again for the ability to detect clicks within Containers – which would be a subset of Layouts – in July. @matt_conroy I’m hoping that can get added soon.

@stefansladdeneng1 @tatiang This is a good call out. Unfortunately, it is not planned for development at this time. I wish I could offer better news here.

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Thank you for letting us know. Would love to see it but it’s helpful to know we need a workaround for now.