Set the date picker’s visible property to false inside of the “when date picked” block.
Sorry, I’m not at my computer so I can’t provide a screenshot. Let me know if you still need help with that.
Set the date picker’s visible property to false inside of the “when date picked” block.
Sorry, I’m not at my computer so I can’t provide a screenshot. Let me know if you still need help with that.
Hi @tatiang, I accidentally put the “date picker’s visible property to false” block inside the “AddRecLabelBox” (see below) and found that when the date was selected, the Date Picker row disappeared instantly as hoped!!
When I placed “date picker’s visible property to false” inside the “when date picked” block, it took about 2 seconds before the Date Picker row disappeared. I’m guessing that the Block configuration I found by accident acts like a on/off switch. What do you think?
I have also just noticed that, for some reason, after adding the “date picker’s visible property to false” in either of the two abovementioned scenarios, I now no longer receive my “Data Save Successfully” labels.
Many many thanks,
So… are you happy with how it works now?
I would have put the visible=false block in the when Date Picked
block as I mentioned. Make sure it’s the first block in the event block because you don’t want to wait until after the Google Sheet is updated to then hide that block.
Yes, this happens. If the column DATE is formatted as date if Google sheet then it will actually expect a number not a text. If you use the update value
but instead of the formatted date you supplied the seconds since 1970
you will get the vibrate because the value will be saved successfully.
Hi @tatiang, I have moved the “visible=false” block as you have just suggested and the Date format works perfectly now! I really don’t know how you guys figure these issues out.
My solved date format below:
Top marks!
Many thanks,
Hey guys! Check out this project! This project features fully formattable timestamps. Keep you time in seconds (as it really should be) and format it for the user only when needed! AND format in your preferred way! ON THE FLY!
It allows you to use any formatting string available here
Skys the limit!
Very cool!
To follow up here
For date inputs we can modify the format
try this block combo, for example
Check out the formatting strings under the Date section
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