Input lag in Thunkable + bottom navigation bar

@domhnallohanlon @jane look into this UX issue please

Are your variables single values or are they strings? Have you considered storing data inside a variable made of lists of data? This may help you reduce the number of variables you are using though it does get slightly more complex with block usage but not too much

Block speed on has little correlation to app speed.

If you have an issue dont @ Staff, please post it on GitHub here. This is where all issues are published AND viewed by the people who make Thunkable X possible.


They need to update all ios ui ux … we have now ios13 and all navigation are now more interesting, like stack menu and all them… they really have to update that thunkable still use the old ui ux :frowning: ios offers sooo much …


Exactly my point !!

Learn flutter or react native for now. Then come back to thunkable when they have everything you need. Simple, right?

The importan thing is that the app must work, doesn’t have to crash or something and thunkable is working and they have a lot of functions to make suchs great apps… UI and UX are two different things, UX it depends all on you not on thunkable, and yes “part of UI not all” depends on waht thunkable can let us to do but your app will not fail because of that, we all want to thunkable keeps improving but is not reason to say that your app will fail because of that.

I’m not saying they shouldn’t improve some of UI but thunkable is working right now on two great things that would make coding a lot of better wich are the “Live web preview” and “blocks speed editor”

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of course the User Experience (UX) is related to the platform… the Interface (UI) and the UX are of course built by the user but they are limited to what the platform provides… it is really nice that they just fixed some UX issues for the platform itself - now I hope they finally improve the end-user experience by fixing some annoying stuff like the blinking of content, text input issues, responding issues, maps component…

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Thank you for all the updates @jane and the thunkablestaff

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