IMPORTANT: Two-Factor Authentication & Publishing to iOS App Store on Thunkable Cross Platform ✕

Hi everyone,

We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused. This issue was resolved, so whoever experienced this problem should be able to upload his/her certificate now. Thanks for being patient! :+1:


Hi Ting,

I just sent you an email as there’s a new problem. It accepts my certificate, but at the next step, it’s stopping me with an error when I upload the Mobile Provision file.


Hi Jeremy,

Thanks for letting us know, but currently we couldn’t reproduce your issue. Could you give it another try? If you still experience the problem, please provide more information such as some screenshots so we might be able to help you further.


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Thanks for looking into it. I sent you screenshots by email. It still isn’t working for me and I wonder if it’s working for everyone else.

Thanks to Ting, I’ve made it through this hang-up. Thank you!!

I think my app will soon be available on the app store as long as it passes Apple’s Scrutiny :slight_smile:


i have a problem when upload a profile certificate.
I follow step by step the guide for more time but the problem remains.
Can you give me some suggestions?


Iam having the same issue here

This error about Two-Factor right?

Command failed: cd ***/thunkableCompanionTemp/thunkableCompanion_6e3fdd92-df63-4fc8-994c-13c5020da618/ios && npx expo path && bundle exec fastlane release app_identifier:‘Q6NMQ3G8NF.NSTCT.CO.TH’ app_name:‘’ team_id:‘Q6NMQ3G8NF’ two_factor:‘true’ build_number:‘1’ version_number:‘4’ xcode_project_path:’***/Documents/thunkable-for-ios/thunkableCompanionTemp/thunkableCompanion_6e3fdd92-df63-4fc8-994c-13c5020da618/ios/thunkablecompanion.xcodeproj’ profile_uuid:‘5fff9a50-daea-4cae-8dfd-b14ab3e3502e’ profile_name:‘profile1’ [31m [!] Error building the application - see the log above [0m

Did you solve?

I’m getting the same problem. Looks like Thunkable hasn’t solved it. And since this has been a known issue since Aug 2018, I’m done with Thunkable. What a waste of my time.