DISAPPOINTED from publishing my ios app

i created my ios app and finished everything
when i tried to publish it i’m facing the following problem

I did not create Two-Factor Authentication by my self (i do not know if it is automatically turned on)
apple help webpage says “If you don’t see the option to turn off two-factor authentication on your Apple ID account page, that means you can’t turn it off"


Does that mean i will never publish my ios app created using thunkable ?

i really need an answer

Hi AbedoApps,

You will always be able to turn off two factor authentication on your device. See instructions here: https://support.apple.com/en-au/HT204915

Thunkable is unable to publish your app to the flight test part of iTunes connect without 2FA switched off


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@abedo You may need to create an app specific password if you can’t turn off two factor authentication.

Let us know if this works for you.

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I’m very sorry for inconvenience but i found that my app now is under testflight

Thank You


We rolled out the support for publishing to Apple App Store with two-factor authentication (2fa).