Images deleted from DVL

This is the blocks that I’m using to create and get data.

Try using an app variable for your ‘event variable’. Also, can you share a screenshot of the result you’re getting when live testing?

This means that all this data will be visible for me and only when I’m in … just close and reopen it will disappear on the app even it still on the sheet.

I assumed that every time the user clicks on a certain component of the DVL, they are taken to a different screen to view further information about that one component. When one user wants to view further info, all the other users do not want the same thing. So the entire list of your data should be stored in Google Sheets where it is visible to all users even when they close the app and reopen it, while the individual components that are clicked should be stored in an app variable as their viewing is only temporary. This is what I assumed the intention was; please correct me if I’m wrong.

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