I just tested the newly added component in the Camera and Media drawer.
I gave it a URL to test what will happen if the image is not part of the project assets. The process is slow but it works. I was able to use the API I built to save the image in Google drive and it worked successfully.
if a process is slow i make a button and a loading icon to the same place and when the button is pressed i make the button invisible and the loading icon visible.
I prefer using Firebase for its speed and simplicity and up until this functionality, you will have to store your data in Firebase and store your images in Cloudinary if you don’t want to use APIs to push the images in a different cloud.
Now that this option is available, you can store the image as a Base64 string in Firebase as easy as storing any other variable. This allows me to get rid of the Media DB connector and gives the freedom of saving the images in a single Datastore along with app data.